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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Protein intake guidelines

Since every Joe Blow out there has their bullsh*t protein intake guidelines floating around the internet, I want to put out my own recommendations for protein as somebody who actually puts himself under heavy iron who isn't on steroids.

The first 40-44 hours after working out and depending on how much whey protein you drink while working out, your focus should be on beef and egg protein preferably in the 1 to 1.5  gram range per pound of body weight.

The amount of whey protein you consume while working out is something you have to factor in when figuring out when to time your beef and egg protein intake.  Because I take in so much whey while I'm lifting, I'm finding that I have to wait sometimes four to eight hours after lifting to be able to start the process of protein synthesis and building up of the muscles.

In the meantime I'm eating high glycemic low fiber low fat carbohydrate foods. One hundred percent natural juices. Pastas with tomato sauce. White rice. Slightly over ripe bananas. Fruits and fruit juices work the best because Omar Isuf said fruits contain fructose a simple sugar that is quickly absorbed into the liver, and this will prevent hunger.

After about four to seven hours I'm eating a meal of steak and eggs.  Sometimes it doesn't digest right and I'll crap out half or all of it  in the morning when I wakeup or in the middle of my sleep.

The next day after I lift. I'm still gorging myself on meat, chicken and eggs. I prefer beef and egg protein over the chicken but I will do chicken if I get tired of eating beef and eggs. In the 24-48 range post workout all I'm focusing on is beef and eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also I'm taking in a lot of fruit and 100 percent low in fiber natural juices.

Why beef and eggs you ask? The beef has creatine and iron. Creatine supposedly increases muscle endurance and reduces fatigue while working out.  I prefer my steaks medium rare because I like the blood and I can really feel it absorbing into my muscles and repairing them quite nicely. The egg yolks have cholesterol which is necessary for testosterone production in the body.  Whatever  these foods have in them, I've eaten them hundreds of times after I lift and they are the only things that have gotten me strong.

So now that takes you into the 40-48 hour post workout phase. I stop eating beef, chicken and eggs and I go for the lower quality protein sources. Milk whole or low fat, deli meats, yogurt, gyro meat all basically have no more than ten or twelve grams of protein per serving but they occupy a good deal of volume and will help fill you up.  The basic idea here is to satisfy your cravings for animal protein but allow your body to recover from the harder to digest beef and eggs you took in from the previous day of eating. Your body is still working on them so give it a chance to fully absorb their nutrients. So for breakfast and lunch and any snack leading up to dinner you should focus on these lower quality proteins and fruits and juices like 100 percent natural orange juice.

Now for dinner,  you go  back to eating your beef and eggs. The idea here is that the whole day you've been teasing your muscles with the lower quality protein foods, so now your body should be begging for beef and eggs and will have no problems with digesting these protein  powerhouse foods.

Now for the next day you should be in the 72 hour post workout phase and you should be fully recovered and your muscles should be  repaired and ready to kick some ass in the gym.   Pre-workout I'm eating low quality protein sources and slightly over ripe bananas or cliff  oatmeal bars.

There you have it, full phase post workout eating guidelines.  Now go lift.

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