The ketogenic diet is a solitary undertaking. This means you're probably going to be the only person within a ten mile radius who isn't sucking down carbs.
If you have a significant other, more than likely they're not going to be on a diet like you so they're going to want to eat more frequently than you. They're going to eat three or four times a day whereas you're going to want eat two maybe one time a day with six to eight hours between meals.
Do you let them go off by themselves and eat? Or do you go with them to a restaurant even though you're not even thinking about eating? I guarantee you once start smelling that food cooking in the restaurant you're going to get hungry. Then you eat and put the fat you worked so hard to shed right back onto your body.
Also expect to go through a ton of disbelief and shock when you tell people you're on a low carb diet. Go into any restaurant and ask if you can substitute the hash browns or fries for a spinach salad and they'll look at you like you're asking for their left leg and end up charging you an extra four or five dollars. If you don't want to pay and skip the carbs, you end up paying full price for half a meal. It's a hard pill to swallow walking out of a restaurant still hungry even though you coughed up eleven dollars for a meal.
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